Recreate an iconic scene from Jurassic Park, but instead of dinosaurs, the characters encounter oversized, anthropomorphic houseplants with quirky personalities. Imagine a towering Venus flytrap sipping tea, a walking cactus wearing sunglasses, and a talking ficus debating philosophy. Set the scene in a surreal, lush greenhouse illuminated by glowing bioluminescent plants, with dramatic lighting and mist adding to the atmosphere. The characters' expressions should mix awe, fear, and confusion, while the plants interact in humorous, unexpected ways. Infuse the setting with a whimsical, fantastical vibe that contrasts with the tension of the original scene, offering a fresh and comedic twist
Recreate an iconic scene from Jurassic Park, but instead of dinosaurs, the characters encounter oversized, anthropomorphic houseplants with quirky personalities. Imagine a towering Venus flytrap sipping tea, a walking cactus wearing sunglasses, and a talking ficus debating philosophy. Set the scene in a surreal, lush greenhouse illuminated by glowing bioluminescent plants, with dramatic lighting and mist adding to the atmosphere. The characters' expressions should mix awe, fear, and confusion, while the plants interact in humorous, unexpected ways. Infuse the setting with a whimsical, fantastical vibe that contrasts with the tension of the original scene, offering a fresh and comedic twist