"A sprawling infernal landscape unfolds, dominated by rivers of molten lava that glow like liquid fire, cutting through jagged, obsidian cliffs. At the heart of this fiery abyss, a majestic yet broken Lucifer kneels, his once-magnificent wings now tattered and charred. His expression is a haunting blend of anguish and defiance, a being torn between despair and unyielding pride. Fiery chains, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, cascade from the heavens, binding him mercilessly to the scorched and cracked earth. The air shimmers with heat and sorrow, as embers and ash swirl around this tragic yet awe-inspiring scene of divine punishment and eternal rebellion."
"A sprawling infernal landscape unfolds, dominated by rivers of molten lava that glow like liquid fire, cutting through jagged, obsidian cliffs. At the heart of this fiery abyss, a majestic yet broken Lucifer kneels, his once-magnificent wings now tattered and charred. His expression is a haunting blend of anguish and defiance, a being torn between despair and unyielding pride. Fiery chains, glowing with an otherworldly intensity, cascade from the heavens, binding him mercilessly to the scorched and cracked earth. The air shimmers with heat and sorrow, as embers and ash swirl around this tragic yet awe-inspiring scene of divine punishment and eternal rebellion."