An interior view of an apartment with brown wooden wall paneling, natural light coming through the windows. There is a white table under the window that leads into another room, with two chairs on either side and a single chair in the center, only partially visible. The back wall is marble-colored, with a cream-colored stone border around it. Wood grain curtains hang from the ceiling and sides, hanging downward. To the left is a wall representing an old door to the right of the kitchen. To the left is a sofa covered in beige fabric, with a beige fabric armchair slightly to the left. At the back is a long, narrow hallway that goes from left to right. Light comes in from the back, creating shadows along the walls, and to the right is a white door panel.
An interior view of an apartment with brown wooden wall paneling, natural light coming through the windows. There is a white table under the window that leads into another room, with two chairs on either side and a single chair in the center, only partially visible. The back wall is marble-colored, with a cream-colored stone border around it. Wood grain curtains hang from the ceiling and sides, hanging downward. To the left is a wall representing an old door to the right of the kitchen. To the left is a sofa covered in beige fabric, with a beige fabric armchair slightly to the left. At the back is a long, narrow hallway that goes from left to right. Light comes in from the back, creating shadows along the walls, and to the right is a white door panel.