モデル Architecture Integrated with Nature で作成する
ページの左側に複数の基本画像をアップロードするか、テキスト説明を入力して Architecture Integrated with Nature モデルを使用してバッチ作成を開始します。
#Aerial View: Capture the architecture from above to showcase how it integrates with the surrounding landscape, revealing its shape and relationship to the natural features.
#Stream-Level View: Show the building from the level of the meandering stream, highlighting how it interacts with the water body and how the design complements the flow of the stream.
#Sunset/Sunrise View: Capture the building during golden hours to showcase how it interacts with the changing light and how its design elements stand out against the natural backdrop.

Modern structures seamlessly intertwining with meandering streams, gracefully interacting with their surroundings
cubic house 162