Nederland, Zuid-Holland, Gemeente Westland, 14-09-2019; Glazen stad, Kassengebied Westland, omgeving 's-Gravenzande.<br /> Greenhouses area in the West of the Netherlands, the heart of the production of vegetables and fruit for export. Between The Hague and Rotterdam.<br /> <br /> luchtfoto (toeslag op standard tarieven);<br /> aerial photo (additional fee required);<br /> copyright foto/photo Siebe Swart
Nederland, Zuid-Holland, Gemeente Westland, 14-09-2019; Glazen stad, Kassengebied Westland, omgeving 's-Gravenzande.<br /> Greenhouses area in the West of the Netherlands, the heart of the production of vegetables and fruit for export. Between The Hague and Rotterdam.<br /> <br /> luchtfoto (toeslag op standard tarieven);<br /> aerial photo (additional fee required);<br /> copyright foto/photo Siebe Swart