A captivating portrait of a happy character from the iconic cartoon, The Simpsons, featuring a distinctive appearance. The illustration combines elements of Simpsons and anime, creating a memorable and captivating character.
삽화-벡터 14
정밀 개념
부정적 프롬프트:
halftones, a lot of color, sad face, angry face, tie, shirt, jacket, frowned eyebrows, long hair, open mouth
A captivating portrait of a happy character from the iconic cartoon, The Simpsons, featuring a distinctive appearance. The illustration combines elements of Simpsons and anime, creating a memorable and captivating character.
삽화-벡터 14
정밀 개념
부정적 프롬프트:
halftones, a lot of color, sad face, angry face, tie, shirt, jacket, frowned eyebrows, long hair, open mouth