Superhero inspired by Breloom: This superhero outfit evokes a mushroom-kangaroo-dinosaur fusion. The main attire is primarily green, but with a beige head-neck segment. A helmet displays a green cap with a hole on each side, emulating Breloom's spore-releasing capabilities. Gloves, with extended reach, highlight Breloom's fast-punching ability and feature red claws, mirroring its hands. Colors: green, beige, and red. Full body.
Superhero inspired by Breloom: This superhero outfit evokes a mushroom-kangaroo-dinosaur fusion. The main attire is primarily green, but with a beige head-neck segment. A helmet displays a green cap with a hole on each side, emulating Breloom's spore-releasing capabilities. Gloves, with extended reach, highlight Breloom's fast-punching ability and feature red claws, mirroring its hands. Colors: green, beige, and red. Full body.