Kamen Rider inspired by Kintaro, the child of superhuman strength from Japanese folklore. His full-body suit is as resilient as his legendary might, allowing him to perform feats of incredible power. The suit is designed to grow and adapt with him, symbolizing his journey from child to hero. His axe, a gift from the mountain spirits, can cleave through any obstacle and is as unyielding as his spirit. Colors: mountain green, sunbeam gold, and strength red, full body.
Kamen Rider inspired by Kintaro, the child of superhuman strength from Japanese folklore. His full-body suit is as resilient as his legendary might, allowing him to perform feats of incredible power. The suit is designed to grow and adapt with him, symbolizing his journey from child to hero. His axe, a gift from the mountain spirits, can cleave through any obstacle and is as unyielding as his spirit. Colors: mountain green, sunbeam gold, and strength red, full body.