A captivating cinematic photo of a menacing tadpole monster from the book 'Curly Crow Goes to the Beach.' The creature is a mix of a tadpole and a human, with a green, scaly body and large, sharp teeth. It is surrounded by water and sand, with a creepy smile on its face. The background features a beach scene with sunbathing humans and a clear blue sky, creating a stark contrast between the monster and the peaceful setting., cinematic, photo
A captivating cinematic photo of a menacing tadpole monster from the book 'Curly Crow Goes to the Beach.' The creature is a mix of a tadpole and a human, with a green, scaly body and large, sharp teeth. It is surrounded by water and sand, with a creepy smile on its face. The background features a beach scene with sunbathing humans and a clear blue sky, creating a stark contrast between the monster and the peaceful setting., cinematic, photo