In the heart of a bustling city, a sleek minimalist house with metallic exterior catches the eye. The exterior is a modern oasis in the heart of the city, with white and wood elements that add an urban flair to this minimalist style building. At the center of the house, a sprawling garden of colorful flowers blooms, and a tranquil mountainside is nestled in the backdrop. The scene exudes a sense of whimsy and majesty, a true testament to the power of modernity and style.
빌라,기본적인 건축,멕시코 모더니즘,미니멀리즘의 단순함,날
부정적 프롬프트:
Sin líneas de formadas, sin deformaciones, sin distorsión, sin elementos extraños
In the heart of a bustling city, a sleek minimalist house with metallic exterior catches the eye. The exterior is a modern oasis in the heart of the city, with white and wood elements that add an urban flair to this minimalist style building. At the center of the house, a sprawling garden of colorful flowers blooms, and a tranquil mountainside is nestled in the backdrop. The scene exudes a sense of whimsy and majesty, a true testament to the power of modernity and style.
빌라,기본적인 건축,멕시코 모더니즘,미니멀리즘의 단순함,날
부정적 프롬프트:
Sin líneas de formadas, sin deformaciones, sin distorsión, sin elementos extraños