In the heart of a bustling metropolis, the skyline of Francisco Bayer looms in the midst of the chaos. Brightly patterned facades dot the horizon, evoking an unexpected energy and elegance. The car's engines humming silently, casting a mesmerizing light on the scene. The scene exudes a sense of movement and energy, a testament to the ingenuity of nature and creativity in urban environments. The scene exudes a sense of movement and energy, a testament to the power of nature and creativity in urban environments.
빌라,멕시코 모더니즘,날,기본적인 건축,미니멀리즘 평온
부정적 프롬프트:
Yes warped lines, no distortion, no foreign elements
In the heart of a bustling metropolis, the skyline of Francisco Bayer looms in the midst of the chaos. Brightly patterned facades dot the horizon, evoking an unexpected energy and elegance. The car's engines humming silently, casting a mesmerizing light on the scene. The scene exudes a sense of movement and energy, a testament to the ingenuity of nature and creativity in urban environments. The scene exudes a sense of movement and energy, a testament to the power of nature and creativity in urban environments.
빌라,멕시코 모더니즘,날,기본적인 건축,미니멀리즘 평온
부정적 프롬프트:
Yes warped lines, no distortion, no foreign elements