As the sun begins to set over the ancient city, a small girl strides through the air, with her fluffy pink puppy munching on a carrot. As she passes by, the scent of old books and discarded tidbits fills the air as she passes, chasing after a sweet puppy with its paws. The street is lined with ancient brick walls, and people stop to stare as the young girl continues her run, her arms spread out wide in excitement.
As the sun begins to set over the ancient city, a small girl strides through the air, with her fluffy pink puppy munching on a carrot. As she passes by, the scent of old books and discarded tidbits fills the air as she passes, chasing after a sweet puppy with its paws. The street is lined with ancient brick walls, and people stop to stare as the young girl continues her run, her arms spread out wide in excitement.