In the heart of a lush jungle, a young Asian man with a long, flowing navy feather and glowing red eyes, dressed in a sleek black military suit and its accessories, stands atop a tree trunk. He grips a chiseled weapon a blend of gray and black, his armor blendd against the lush green foliage around him. In the background, the sound of a fierce battle echos outside the confines of the jungle. The man's strength and determination continue as he defends his future, his determination and determination evident in the vibrant and vibrant scene he holds.
삽화-리얼리스틱 판타지 01
외계 행성,우주항,고대 외계 문명,우주 정거장,미래 도시,고층 빌딩,수중,사이버펑크 시티
In the heart of a lush jungle, a young Asian man with a long, flowing navy feather and glowing red eyes, dressed in a sleek black military suit and its accessories, stands atop a tree trunk. He grips a chiseled weapon a blend of gray and black, his armor blendd against the lush green foliage around him. In the background, the sound of a fierce battle echos outside the confines of the jungle. The man's strength and determination continue as he defends his future, his determination and determination evident in the vibrant and vibrant scene he holds.
삽화-리얼리스틱 판타지 01
외계 행성,우주항,고대 외계 문명,우주 정거장,미래 도시,고층 빌딩,수중,사이버펑크 시티