The exterior of a majestic suburban neighborhood comes alive as a minimalist style emerges. The interior is adorned with the elements of a modern house, with minimalist elements that have vanished into a chaotic frame. At the ages, the exterior is painted a deep shade of white, with natural lighting that draws the eye onto the exterior. Trees and bushes stand tall on the concrete floor, their branches falling a tangled pattern as they weave through the concrete. The exterior is a blend of urban and natural elements, creating a captivating and dreamlike atmosphere. LED lighting captures the essence of the city, leaving the viewer in awe of the urban landscape.
기본적인 건축,바우하우스,멕시코 모더니즘,지속 가능한 혁신,날,가을
부정적 프롬프트:
sin distorsion, sin elementos extraños, sin deformaciones
The exterior of a majestic suburban neighborhood comes alive as a minimalist style emerges. The interior is adorned with the elements of a modern house, with minimalist elements that have vanished into a chaotic frame. At the ages, the exterior is painted a deep shade of white, with natural lighting that draws the eye onto the exterior. Trees and bushes stand tall on the concrete floor, their branches falling a tangled pattern as they weave through the concrete. The exterior is a blend of urban and natural elements, creating a captivating and dreamlike atmosphere. LED lighting captures the essence of the city, leaving the viewer in awe of the urban landscape.
기본적인 건축,바우하우스,멕시코 모더니즘,지속 가능한 혁신,날,가을
부정적 프롬프트:
sin distorsion, sin elementos extraños, sin deformaciones