In the heart of a surreal city, a regal figure made of gold stands in a dimly lit chamber. The sword lies intricately carved with kneading skulls, as if waiting to be wielded by the guardian's powerful armor. The sun beats down on the scene, casting shadow over the landscape. A small stars, evoking a sense of mystery and magic, shines brightly overhead. The scene is both eerie and magical, leaving the viewer in awe of the beauty and mystery of the past.
In the heart of a surreal city, a regal figure made of gold stands in a dimly lit chamber. The sword lies intricately carved with kneading skulls, as if waiting to be wielded by the guardian's powerful armor. The sun beats down on the scene, casting shadow over the landscape. A small stars, evoking a sense of mystery and magic, shines brightly overhead. The scene is both eerie and magical, leaving the viewer in awe of the beauty and mystery of the past.