In this grand opening, a mother and her friends come to life with her two brightly colored rays of sunshine perched on her head. Their rays are clad around her belly, as if it were a lone figure floating in a maze. The rays create a perfect ray that is both ominous and beautiful, and as the sun begins to set, they churn out a lone figure into a sea of glimmering, fiery rays. It is as if the rays have been removed by a goddess, holding them captive and watching them with a grateful gaze. A lone figure, a woman named Max, jumps up to find another gift, adding to the beauty of this magical scene.
In this grand opening, a mother and her friends come to life with her two brightly colored rays of sunshine perched on her head. Their rays are clad around her belly, as if it were a lone figure floating in a maze. The rays create a perfect ray that is both ominous and beautiful, and as the sun begins to set, they churn out a lone figure into a sea of glimmering, fiery rays. It is as if the rays have been removed by a goddess, holding them captive and watching them with a grateful gaze. A lone figure, a woman named Max, jumps up to find another gift, adding to the beauty of this magical scene.