an unconventional figure dressed in a black-and-white robe stands on a stage, carrying a small silver instrument. Its eyes are closed as he performs a deceptive show of light deception in a dark, mesmerizing atmosphere filled with shadows and shadows. The stage is bathed in a soft, silver light, and the air is filled with a mystical aura. The scene is bathed in a soft, otherworldly light, as if the scene has been transported to the mystical depths of the world.
an unconventional figure dressed in a black-and-white robe stands on a stage, carrying a small silver instrument. Its eyes are closed as he performs a deceptive show of light deception in a dark, mesmerizing atmosphere filled with shadows and shadows. The stage is bathed in a soft, silver light, and the air is filled with a mystical aura. The scene is bathed in a soft, otherworldly light, as if the scene has been transported to the mystical depths of the world.