In the midst of a distant, meadow filled with wildflowers, a young girl floats effortlessly in a frenzied mass of passions. The storm that causes her swirling patterns and fiery energy engulfs her dreams as she sips on the cloud of an aurora borealis, her skin glinting in the moonlight. She is a frenzied, luminous creature with piercing green eyes that seem to peer through the soft, plump surface of all emotions. It's a girl, lost in their own world, as if who is at peace with its dreams and profound expectations.
In the midst of a distant, meadow filled with wildflowers, a young girl floats effortlessly in a frenzied mass of passions. The storm that causes her swirling patterns and fiery energy engulfs her dreams as she sips on the cloud of an aurora borealis, her skin glinting in the moonlight. She is a frenzied, luminous creature with piercing green eyes that seem to peer through the soft, plump surface of all emotions. It's a girl, lost in their own world, as if who is at peace with its dreams and profound expectations.