numbers OF f-22 FIGHTER JETS in white colours ENGAGED IN DOGFIGHT with su-47, below in sea ships firing with flak. Plane crashing. While a huge alienmothership entering scene
상단 뷰,초장거리 광각 렌즈,와이드 앵글 뷰,항공 뷰,새의 눈으로 본 전경,드론 뷰
numbers OF f-22 FIGHTER JETS in white colours ENGAGED IN DOGFIGHT with su-47, below in sea ships firing with flak. Plane crashing. While a huge alienmothership entering scene
상단 뷰,초장거리 광각 렌즈,와이드 앵글 뷰,항공 뷰,새의 눈으로 본 전경,드론 뷰