A vertical A1 presentation board for Apple's headquarters, created by designer CHACHA. The board features a minimalist and modern design with a white background. At the top, the title 'Apple Headquarters Office Design' in bold, modern font, followed by the designer's name 'CHACHA'. The board includes a series of images showcasing different office design concepts: collaboration zone, meeting space, workspaces, and library space. Each image is labeled with a brief, elegant description. The images are arranged vertically with ample white space between them, maintaining simplicity, elegance, and functionality. The overall design is clean, professional, and aligns with Apple's design philosophy.
A vertical A1 presentation board for Apple's headquarters, created by designer CHACHA. The board features a minimalist and modern design with a white background. At the top, the title 'Apple Headquarters Office Design' in bold, modern font, followed by the designer's name 'CHACHA'. The board includes a series of images showcasing different office design concepts: collaboration zone, meeting space, workspaces, and library space. Each image is labeled with a brief, elegant description. The images are arranged vertically with ample white space between them, maintaining simplicity, elegance, and functionality. The overall design is clean, professional, and aligns with Apple's design philosophy.