A whimsical Halloween scene featuring a futuristic city entirely inhabited by robots. These robots are creatively dressed in various Halloween costumes, such as vampires, witches, and skeletons, showcasing their unique personalities. The city itself is composed of floating saucers and flying saucer-like buildings, hovering in a starry night sky. Neon lights flicker, illuminating the robots as they mingle and celebrate, with some holding candy bags and others playfully scaring each other. The atmosphere is lively and festive, blending a sense of fun and a touch of sci-fi charm
A whimsical Halloween scene featuring a futuristic city entirely inhabited by robots. These robots are creatively dressed in various Halloween costumes, such as vampires, witches, and skeletons, showcasing their unique personalities. The city itself is composed of floating saucers and flying saucer-like buildings, hovering in a starry night sky. Neon lights flicker, illuminating the robots as they mingle and celebrate, with some holding candy bags and others playfully scaring each other. The atmosphere is lively and festive, blending a sense of fun and a touch of sci-fi charm