A white Labrador Retriever with perky ears flies over a vibrant metropolis, wearing a gleaming gold collar with a small, understated gold Superman-shaped tag. His red cape, marked with a yellow Superman symbol, flutters in the wind as he soars effortlessly through the sky. The city below bustles with lights and skyscrapers, while the heroic dog glides above, his fur catching the breeze, exuding charm and superheroic spirit.
A white Labrador Retriever with perky ears flies over a vibrant metropolis, wearing a gleaming gold collar with a small, understated gold Superman-shaped tag. His red cape, marked with a yellow Superman symbol, flutters in the wind as he soars effortlessly through the sky. The city below bustles with lights and skyscrapers, while the heroic dog glides above, his fur catching the breeze, exuding charm and superheroic spirit.