In the heart of New York City, a young boy in a shiny superman costume soars through the skyline, stopping to admire the stunning skyscrapers looming behind him. He waves in the air, then flies into the sky, his eyes fixed on a bomb blast and a plane soaring towards him, its debris scattered around him. The scene is set in the heart of the city, the skyline ablaze with hues of orange and pink as the sun sets behind them.
In the heart of New York City, a young boy in a shiny superman costume soars through the skyline, stopping to admire the stunning skyscrapers looming behind him. He waves in the air, then flies into the sky, his eyes fixed on a bomb blast and a plane soaring towards him, its debris scattered around him. The scene is set in the heart of the city, the skyline ablaze with hues of orange and pink as the sun sets behind them.