On a dark and windy Halloween night, a group of three children in creepy costumes nervously approach an old, dilapidated house. The front yard is overgrown with tall, dead grass, scattered broken toys, and eerie, wind-blown leaves. Pumpkins carved with unsettling faces flicker with dim candlelight from within. The rickety fence leans dangerously, casting twisted shadows in the moonlight.
At the door, a hunched, ghostly old woman stands with wrinkled, leathery skin and cold, hollow eyes that glint menacingly in the candlelight. Her twisted smile shows yellowed teeth, and her voice crackles as she greets the children. They are hesitant, but the promise of candy lures them closer. She beckons them inside, the creaky door revealing a dark, decrepit interior where candles in melted holders line the windows, casting flickering shadows on the walls. An eerie, faint whispering can be heard from deep within the house.
The children's costumes reflect their youthful fear—one is dressed as a decaying skeleton, another as a small vampire with sharp plastic fangs, and the third as a tattered, ghostly bride. Though they are in costume, their wide, frightened eyes and trembling hands reveal their true terror. The bravest of the group hesitates only briefly before stepping forward, determined to collect candy, but the fear is palpable. Behind them, the wind howls, rattling the trees and carrying with it the ominous sense that something is watching from the shadows.
On a dark and windy Halloween night, a group of three children in creepy costumes nervously approach an old, dilapidated house. The front yard is overgrown with tall, dead grass, scattered broken toys, and eerie, wind-blown leaves. Pumpkins carved with unsettling faces flicker with dim candlelight from within. The rickety fence leans dangerously, casting twisted shadows in the moonlight.
At the door, a hunched, ghostly old woman stands with wrinkled, leathery skin and cold, hollow eyes that glint menacingly in the candlelight. Her twisted smile shows yellowed teeth, and her voice crackles as she greets the children. They are hesitant, but the promise of candy lures them closer. She beckons them inside, the creaky door revealing a dark, decrepit interior where candles in melted holders line the windows, casting flickering shadows on the walls. An eerie, faint whispering can be heard from deep within the house.
The children's costumes reflect their youthful fear—one is dressed as a decaying skeleton, another as a small vampire with sharp plastic fangs, and the third as a tattered, ghostly bride. Though they are in costume, their wide, frightened eyes and trembling hands reveal their true terror. The bravest of the group hesitates only briefly before stepping forward, determined to collect candy, but the fear is palpable. Behind them, the wind howls, rattling the trees and carrying with it the ominous sense that something is watching from the shadows.