In the heart of an interconnected city, where gravity is reversed, a space bursts into motion. Buildings and residents dominate the empty space, their faces contorting as the gravity of the space disappears in some unexpected places. The exterior of the building is lit up by a bold, orange glow, while the interior of the building serves as the backdrop to the chaos. A fluid metropolis rushes by, evoking a sense of power and urgency, as if the space itself is alive and breathing: a modern urban plan emerges, a testament to the intransition of urban vision and the challenges that urban life may face.
In the heart of an interconnected city, where gravity is reversed, a space bursts into motion. Buildings and residents dominate the empty space, their faces contorting as the gravity of the space disappears in some unexpected places. The exterior of the building is lit up by a bold, orange glow, while the interior of the building serves as the backdrop to the chaos. A fluid metropolis rushes by, evoking a sense of power and urgency, as if the space itself is alive and breathing: a modern urban plan emerges, a testament to the intransition of urban vision and the challenges that urban life may face.