In the dark, mysterious depths of the ocean, a lone diver hovers, facing a massive sea creature. The creature is a hundred times the diver’s size, with a form resembling both an octopus and an alien entity. Its enormous, eerie tentacles end in faintly glowing bioluminescent tips, casting a blue-green glow around them. The creature has deep, piercing eyes and intricate, alien-like patterns on its skin. The diver appears small and solitary in contrast. Style: surreal, with intricate details, 4K ultra-high definition
In the dark, mysterious depths of the ocean, a lone diver hovers, facing a massive sea creature. The creature is a hundred times the diver’s size, with a form resembling both an octopus and an alien entity. Its enormous, eerie tentacles end in faintly glowing bioluminescent tips, casting a blue-green glow around them. The creature has deep, piercing eyes and intricate, alien-like patterns on its skin. The diver appears small and solitary in contrast. Style: surreal, with intricate details, 4K ultra-high definition