8K Pictures Anime style After a long journey, the camera zooms in on a beautiful girl and her long-haired boyfriend, who both stop at a roadside pavilion with a cool stream of clear water, where she finally has a chance to rest her tired legs. She washes her face in the nearby stream, feeling the coolness of the cool water refresh her for a moment, but despite the physical relief, her heart is still heavy. The roadside pavilion is a temporary resting place for travelers to enjoy the nature in the national park. The happy and sad moments spent at the pavilion make her feel even more aimless.
8K Pictures Anime style After a long journey, the camera zooms in on a beautiful girl and her long-haired boyfriend, who both stop at a roadside pavilion with a cool stream of clear water, where she finally has a chance to rest her tired legs. She washes her face in the nearby stream, feeling the coolness of the cool water refresh her for a moment, but despite the physical relief, her heart is still heavy. The roadside pavilion is a temporary resting place for travelers to enjoy the nature in the national park. The happy and sad moments spent at the pavilion make her feel even more aimless.