As he contemplates the intricate maze of complexes, he seems deafeningly defiant as he explores the dimly lit underground tunnel. The room is twisted and twisted, and the walls are lined with thick, twisted walls. Inside, a haunting image depicts a hauntingly mysterious figure with short, tense blue hair. His eyes are wide and open, revealing a sense of mystical power that seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy. He can't help but feel a sense of terror behind him, his skin fluttering in the light like a serpent.
As he contemplates the intricate maze of complexes, he seems deafeningly defiant as he explores the dimly lit underground tunnel. The room is twisted and twisted, and the walls are lined with thick, twisted walls. Inside, a haunting image depicts a hauntingly mysterious figure with short, tense blue hair. His eyes are wide and open, revealing a sense of mystical power that seems to pulse with an otherworldly energy. He can't help but feel a sense of terror behind him, his skin fluttering in the light like a serpent.