In a cozy living room, a group of friends gather around a modern wooden enclosure, their faces blurred as they gather around it. The exterior is now a sleek and modern design, with a simple finish that invites them to refactor the design with modern solutions. However, the changes in the wooden exterior to make it more visually appealing would create a futuristic and visually stunning scene. The scene would be reminiscent of a garden, giving it a gritty and minimalist feel.
In a cozy living room, a group of friends gather around a modern wooden enclosure, their faces blurred as they gather around it. The exterior is now a sleek and modern design, with a simple finish that invites them to refactor the design with modern solutions. However, the changes in the wooden exterior to make it more visually appealing would create a futuristic and visually stunning scene. The scene would be reminiscent of a garden, giving it a gritty and minimalist feel.