A Bald Fisherman in a Yellow Raincoat, In the depths of the ocean, this vivid image captures the unexpected sight of a majestic giant octopus. Its massive scales are captured in vivid hues of neon colors, casting a mesmerizing amber glow over the ocean. The boat is amidst a cloud of orange and red, causing ripples in the water and debris to spill over the surface. In the distance, a giant octopus roars through the air as it sends waves crashing against the shore. The creature's head tilts back, and its eyes glow with an otherworldly light. The scene is both terrifying and awe-inspiring, as it takes on the terrifying nature of the storm.
3D-3D 08
공포,어두운 동화,금지된 도시,고대 사원,평행 우주 도시,비,황혼,안개,남자,해적,대머리,빈티지
상단 뷰,클로즈업 샷,후방 시야,측면 보기,정면도,프로필 사진,위에서 본 전망,미디엄 클로즈업 샷,미디엄 샷,미디엄 롱 샷,롱 샷,파노라마,항공 뷰,드론 뷰
A Bald Fisherman in a Yellow Raincoat, In the depths of the ocean, this vivid image captures the unexpected sight of a majestic giant octopus. Its massive scales are captured in vivid hues of neon colors, casting a mesmerizing amber glow over the ocean. The boat is amidst a cloud of orange and red, causing ripples in the water and debris to spill over the surface. In the distance, a giant octopus roars through the air as it sends waves crashing against the shore. The creature's head tilts back, and its eyes glow with an otherworldly light. The scene is both terrifying and awe-inspiring, as it takes on the terrifying nature of the storm.
3D-3D 08
공포,어두운 동화,금지된 도시,고대 사원,평행 우주 도시,비,황혼,안개,남자,해적,대머리,빈티지
상단 뷰,클로즈업 샷,후방 시야,측면 보기,정면도,프로필 사진,위에서 본 전망,미디엄 클로즈업 샷,미디엄 샷,미디엄 롱 샷,롱 샷,파노라마,항공 뷰,드론 뷰