An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a well-proportioned high school girl with a gentle and graceful demeanor. Her light brown hair with a golden undertone flows down to the middle of her back, with soft waves adding to her charm. Her dark brown eyes with a warm amber tint radiate kindness and intelligence, paired with a serene smile. She is dressed in a luxurious school uniform featuring a pleated skirt, a blazer with delicate embroidery, and a jewel-encrusted brooch at the collar. The background is set in an elegant academy interior, with a grand staircase, gleaming floors, and tall windows letting in soft natural light, highlighting her poised and approachable aura.
An anime-style portrait inspired by Kyoto Animation's aesthetic, featuring a well-proportioned high school girl with a gentle and graceful demeanor. Her light brown hair with a golden undertone flows down to the middle of her back, with soft waves adding to her charm. Her dark brown eyes with a warm amber tint radiate kindness and intelligence, paired with a serene smile. She is dressed in a luxurious school uniform featuring a pleated skirt, a blazer with delicate embroidery, and a jewel-encrusted brooch at the collar. The background is set in an elegant academy interior, with a grand staircase, gleaming floors, and tall windows letting in soft natural light, highlighting her poised and approachable aura.