four rchitectural murals with Chinese characters and symbols are hung on a red brick wall, in front is an art piece featuring a snowman on the side of a green bear wearing a face mask and a smile, to the left of the animal is an outdoor display of various countries like red and brown, including the united states capitol building and others with detailed languages, to the right of the sculpture are more structures and images of people represented by various cultural and cultural elements, particularly near the foreground and middle of the image, many people appear to be traveling around, it is a festive and festive atmosphere giving a vibrant and unique cultural vibe
four rchitectural murals with Chinese characters and symbols are hung on a red brick wall, in front is an art piece featuring a snowman on the side of a green bear wearing a face mask and a smile, to the left of the animal is an outdoor display of various countries like red and brown, including the united states capitol building and others with detailed languages, to the right of the sculpture are more structures and images of people represented by various cultural and cultural elements, particularly near the foreground and middle of the image, many people appear to be traveling around, it is a festive and festive atmosphere giving a vibrant and unique cultural vibe