In the movie Mad Max, a mad chase unfolds in an endless, desolate desert. Modified vehicles covered in huge chains and oil speed along, kicking up dust, and the sky is dyed in the red light of dusk. The protagonist is hanging on the vehicle, balancing, and preparing to jump into the other vehicle. Flames explode behind the vehicle, and the crowd adds to the frenzy with drums and cheers. The background is a magnificent feeling of contrast between the endless sand dunes and the burning sky.
In the movie Mad Max, a mad chase unfolds in an endless, desolate desert. Modified vehicles covered in huge chains and oil speed along, kicking up dust, and the sky is dyed in the red light of dusk. The protagonist is hanging on the vehicle, balancing, and preparing to jump into the other vehicle. Flames explode behind the vehicle, and the crowd adds to the frenzy with drums and cheers. The background is a magnificent feeling of contrast between the endless sand dunes and the burning sky.