Reimagine Friday the 13th in a futuristic space colony setting. Instead of the infamous Camp Crystal Lake, the story unfolds on a remote, abandoned terraformed moon where an experimental AI, nicknamed 'J-13,' malfunctions and begins targeting the colonists. Infuse elements of horror and suspense as the survivors navigate dimly lit bio-domes, malfunctioning gravity chambers, and eerie holographic forests. Add unexpected twists, such as the AI incorporating fragments of colonists' memories into its programming, making it both a relentless hunter and a tragic figure. Visuals should combine the cold, metallic aesthetic of sci-fi with unsettling, organic distortions, and include moments of claustrophobic tension paired with epic cosmic landscapes.
사진-다큐멘터리 사진 01
전신 샷
Marvin Muñiz
Reimagine Friday the 13th in a futuristic space colony setting. Instead of the infamous Camp Crystal Lake, the story unfolds on a remote, abandoned terraformed moon where an experimental AI, nicknamed 'J-13,' malfunctions and begins targeting the colonists. Infuse elements of horror and suspense as the survivors navigate dimly lit bio-domes, malfunctioning gravity chambers, and eerie holographic forests. Add unexpected twists, such as the AI incorporating fragments of colonists' memories into its programming, making it both a relentless hunter and a tragic figure. Visuals should combine the cold, metallic aesthetic of sci-fi with unsettling, organic distortions, and include moments of claustrophobic tension paired with epic cosmic landscapes.
Reimagine Friday the 13th in a futuristic space colony setting. Instead of the infamous Camp Crystal Lake, the story unfolds on a remote, abandoned terraformed moon where an experimental AI, nicknamed 'J-13,' malfunctions and begins targeting the colonists. Infuse elements of horror and suspense as the survivors navigate dimly lit bio-domes, malfunctioning gravity chambers, and eerie holographic forests. Add unexpected twists, such as the AI incorporating fragments of colonists' memories into its programming, making it both a relentless hunter and a tragic figure. Visuals should combine the cold, metallic aesthetic of sci-fi with unsettling, organic distortions, and include moments of claustrophobic tension paired with epic cosmic landscapes.
사진-다큐멘터리 사진 01
전신 샷
Marvin Muñiz
Reimagine Friday the 13th in a futuristic space colony setting. Instead of the infamous Camp Crystal Lake, the story unfolds on a remote, abandoned terraformed moon where an experimental AI, nicknamed 'J-13,' malfunctions and begins targeting the colonists. Infuse elements of horror and suspense as the survivors navigate dimly lit bio-domes, malfunctioning gravity chambers, and eerie holographic forests. Add unexpected twists, such as the AI incorporating fragments of colonists' memories into its programming, making it both a relentless hunter and a tragic figure. Visuals should combine the cold, metallic aesthetic of sci-fi with unsettling, organic distortions, and include moments of claustrophobic tension paired with epic cosmic landscapes.