"A fun and absurd movie poster titled Rocky aux pays des merveilles, where Rocky Balboa is transported into the whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland. The poster shows Rocky in his classic boxing gear, but now he's facing off against strange and bizarre Wonderland characters. He’s squaring up to the Cheshire Cat, who grins mischievously, and the White Rabbit, who’s frantically trying to escape with a stopwatch. In the background, the Mad Hatter offers him a teacup in one hand, while holding a boxing glove in the other. Alice watches from the sidelines, holding a "Get 'em, Rocky!" sign. The title Rocky aux pays des merveilles is prominently displayed in bold, colorful letters, with the tagline 'The punch that could change Wonderland forever!' The poster features playful, bright colors, mixing the gritty, tough persona of Rocky with the fantastical, surreal world of Wonderland."
"A fun and absurd movie poster titled Rocky aux pays des merveilles, where Rocky Balboa is transported into the whimsical world of Alice in Wonderland. The poster shows Rocky in his classic boxing gear, but now he's facing off against strange and bizarre Wonderland characters. He’s squaring up to the Cheshire Cat, who grins mischievously, and the White Rabbit, who’s frantically trying to escape with a stopwatch. In the background, the Mad Hatter offers him a teacup in one hand, while holding a boxing glove in the other. Alice watches from the sidelines, holding a "Get 'em, Rocky!" sign. The title Rocky aux pays des merveilles is prominently displayed in bold, colorful letters, with the tagline 'The punch that could change Wonderland forever!' The poster features playful, bright colors, mixing the gritty, tough persona of Rocky with the fantastical, surreal world of Wonderland."