"A breathtaking and hyper-detailed animation of a fantasy explosion, inspired by the Orbs of Zatulzir from the tales of Ilmuria. The scene begins with the explosion as it expands outward, radiating fiery tendrils and blinding light. The fiery core of the explosion grows rapidly, illuminating the battlefield at the Slopes of Alvawen. Intense waves of light and heat ripple outward, disintegrating Wilorgs and Drakhurnos in their path. The glow intensifies, turning the darkened storm clouds into vivid orange and white hues. The camera zooms in slowly as the explosion grows larger and brighter, eventually engulfing the entire screen in a pure, radiant white light, symbolizing the overwhelming power of the Orbs. Magical energies swirl around the edges, creating a mesmerizing blend of fiery reds, intense oranges, and sparkling blues that dissipate into the brightness. The animation concludes with the screen entirely filled with a powerful glow, fading to white."
동작 강도:
Victor Sidhe
11시간 전
Explosion of one of the magical zatulzir orbs crafted by elves, dwarves and men in collaboration with Wyndrya to defense themselves from the massive armies of darkness and chaos.
"A breathtaking and hyper-detailed animation of a fantasy explosion, inspired by the Orbs of Zatulzir from the tales of Ilmuria. The scene begins with the explosion as it expands outward, radiating fiery tendrils and blinding light. The fiery core of the explosion grows rapidly, illuminating the battlefield at the Slopes of Alvawen. Intense waves of light and heat ripple outward, disintegrating Wilorgs and Drakhurnos in their path. The glow intensifies, turning the darkened storm clouds into vivid orange and white hues. The camera zooms in slowly as the explosion grows larger and brighter, eventually engulfing the entire screen in a pure, radiant white light, symbolizing the overwhelming power of the Orbs. Magical energies swirl around the edges, creating a mesmerizing blend of fiery reds, intense oranges, and sparkling blues that dissipate into the brightness. The animation concludes with the screen entirely filled with a powerful glow, fading to white."
동작 강도:
Victor Sidhe
11시간 전
Explosion of one of the magical zatulzir orbs crafted by elves, dwarves and men in collaboration with Wyndrya to defense themselves from the massive armies of darkness and chaos.