모델 Architecture Integrated with Nature으로 만들기
페이지 왼쪽에 여러 기본 이미지를 업로드하거나 Architecture Integrated with Nature 모델을 사용하여 배치 생성을 시작하기 위해 텍스트 설명을 입력하세요.
#Aerial View: Capture the architecture from above to showcase how it integrates with the surrounding landscape, revealing its shape and relationship to the natural features.
#Stream-Level View: Show the building from the level of the meandering stream, highlighting how it interacts with the water body and how the design complements the flow of the stream.
#Sunset/Sunrise View: Capture the building during golden hours to showcase how it interacts with the changing light and how its design elements stand out against the natural backdrop.

Modern structures seamlessly intertwining with meandering streams, gracefully interacting with their surroundings
piramal 162
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