A superhero inspired by Apsu, the Mesopotamian god of freshwater, designed for a future where freshwater is scarce. The character wears an outfit that combines ancient Mesopotamian symbols with futuristic hydro-tech elements, decorated with wave motifs. The superhero wields a staff capable of controlling water. The color scheme includes aqua azure, deep abyssal blue, and the lustrous sheen of freshwater pearl. The full-body image should exude the authority of a guardian responsible for protecting the world's vital water resources.
A superhero inspired by Apsu, the Mesopotamian god of freshwater, designed for a future where freshwater is scarce. The character wears an outfit that combines ancient Mesopotamian symbols with futuristic hydro-tech elements, decorated with wave motifs. The superhero wields a staff capable of controlling water. The color scheme includes aqua azure, deep abyssal blue, and the lustrous sheen of freshwater pearl. The full-body image should exude the authority of a guardian responsible for protecting the world's vital water resources.