Superhero inspired by Garm, the Norse mythical watchdog of Hel, reimagined as a protector of interdimensional gateways. The character has a blend of lupine features with advanced realm-tech designs, featuring void patterns. The costume includes elements of void violet, guardian graphite, and portal pewter. The character has prominent fangs designed to seal or open realm gateways. The image captures the essence of a guardian ensuring the sanctity of realm transitions. The superhero has an imposing, powerful stance, embodying the mythical and futuristic aspects of the character in a full-body portrait.
Superhero inspired by Garm, the Norse mythical watchdog of Hel, reimagined as a protector of interdimensional gateways. The character has a blend of lupine features with advanced realm-tech designs, featuring void patterns. The costume includes elements of void violet, guardian graphite, and portal pewter. The character has prominent fangs designed to seal or open realm gateways. The image captures the essence of a guardian ensuring the sanctity of realm transitions. The superhero has an imposing, powerful stance, embodying the mythical and futuristic aspects of the character in a full-body portrait.