Superhero inspired by Gardevoir: Evoking Gardevoir's elegant grace, this hero wears a flowing, white gown that drapes down, resembling Gardevoir's lower half. The dress includes a green underside as a nod to its true color palette. The design captures its slender, white arms and the long green hair flowing down its back. The helmet integrates Gardevoir's sharp green eyes and the spike on the side of its face. Colors: ethereal white, vivid green, with subtle red accents. Full body
Superhero inspired by Gardevoir: Evoking Gardevoir's elegant grace, this hero wears a flowing, white gown that drapes down, resembling Gardevoir's lower half. The dress includes a green underside as a nod to its true color palette. The design captures its slender, white arms and the long green hair flowing down its back. The helmet integrates Gardevoir's sharp green eyes and the spike on the side of its face. Colors: ethereal white, vivid green, with subtle red accents. Full body