Kamen Rider inspired by Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Mali Empire, known as the Lion King. His full-body suit is a high-tech armor that roars with the authority of a lion, imbuing him with leadership and charisma. The suit enhances his physical prowess, allowing him to leap great distances and land with the force of a lion's pounce. His regal staff is a symbol of unity and can emit a resonant frequency that inspires and rallies his allies. Colors: royal purple, lion mane gold, and empire bronze, full body.
Kamen Rider inspired by Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Mali Empire, known as the Lion King. His full-body suit is a high-tech armor that roars with the authority of a lion, imbuing him with leadership and charisma. The suit enhances his physical prowess, allowing him to leap great distances and land with the force of a lion's pounce. His regal staff is a symbol of unity and can emit a resonant frequency that inspires and rallies his allies. Colors: royal purple, lion mane gold, and empire bronze, full body.