Superheroine inspired by Merida from "Brave," reimagined as a skilled archer and defender of her land. Her full-body suit is a fusion of traditional Scottish attire and modern tactical gear, designed for agility and precision. Her bow, a high-tech masterpiece, can shoot arrows with various elemental effects. Her indomitable spirit and sharp wit make her a formidable foe against any who threaten her home. Colors: thistle purple, archer green, and bravery gold, full body.
Superheroine inspired by Merida from "Brave," reimagined as a skilled archer and defender of her land. Her full-body suit is a fusion of traditional Scottish attire and modern tactical gear, designed for agility and precision. Her bow, a high-tech masterpiece, can shoot arrows with various elemental effects. Her indomitable spirit and sharp wit make her a formidable foe against any who threaten her home. Colors: thistle purple, archer green, and bravery gold, full body.