In a surreal and futuristic world, the largest figure of Toxica Earth, known as "Pollutant," is a corrupt industrial magnate known as Metalos, who wields the power of toxic waste and chemicals to dig up his destructive goals. His amber eyes scan the surrounding landscape, as he commands a gang of mercenaries. The mercenaries, also based on metal, are now able to operate mercenaries and control them with ease. The scene is both comical and mysterious, transporting the viewer to another world where anything is possible.
In a surreal and futuristic world, the largest figure of Toxica Earth, known as "Pollutant," is a corrupt industrial magnate known as Metalos, who wields the power of toxic waste and chemicals to dig up his destructive goals. His amber eyes scan the surrounding landscape, as he commands a gang of mercenaries. The mercenaries, also based on metal, are now able to operate mercenaries and control them with ease. The scene is both comical and mysterious, transporting the viewer to another world where anything is possible.