In a vibrant, colorful cityscape, a malayalam cartoon artist, Dileep, takes his first steps at front of a school dressed in a bright orange school uniform. Alao, with his big mane and tail blowing in the wind, jogs onto his shoulders and runs his way through the air. His shoulders are adorned with a bright back pack, and his paws rest on the ground as he snatches a stick. The scene is reminiscent of a 3D cartoon image, but not the typical Malayalee version.
Soldado da Segunda Guerra Mundial,Arqueiro
Lente de Ângulo Largo de Ultra Longa Distância
In a vibrant, colorful cityscape, a malayalam cartoon artist, Dileep, takes his first steps at front of a school dressed in a bright orange school uniform. Alao, with his big mane and tail blowing in the wind, jogs onto his shoulders and runs his way through the air. His shoulders are adorned with a bright back pack, and his paws rest on the ground as he snatches a stick. The scene is reminiscent of a 3D cartoon image, but not the typical Malayalee version.
Soldado da Segunda Guerra Mundial,Arqueiro
Lente de Ângulo Largo de Ultra Longa Distância