In a futuristic laboratory, a group of metallic machines gather around a grand structure with intricate patterns and towering structures. They battle the base of an alien creature, whose scales shimmer in the dim light. The air is thick with a mysterious aura, and the air crackles with electricity from human hands. The world around them is filled with eerie cosmic sounds, as the Steampunk battle them on their own scales.
Arte Conceitual-Ficção Científica 01
Terras desoladas,Colônia Marciana,Caverna,Planeta Alienígena
In a futuristic laboratory, a group of metallic machines gather around a grand structure with intricate patterns and towering structures. They battle the base of an alien creature, whose scales shimmer in the dim light. The air is thick with a mysterious aura, and the air crackles with electricity from human hands. The world around them is filled with eerie cosmic sounds, as the Steampunk battle them on their own scales.
Arte Conceitual-Ficção Científica 01
Terras desoladas,Colônia Marciana,Caverna,Planeta Alienígena