In the heart of a peaceful forest, a minimalist cabin nestled among the trees stretches its floor. The exterior design is a sleek and minimalistic interior, with intricate stone walls and white walls. A panoramic window captures the tranquility of the river, while a lush forest surrounds the property. The glass is illuminated by a high-tech display, reflecting the colorful foliage of the nearby tree. The scene is bathed in a soft, golden light that adds to the serene and otherworldly atmosphere.
In the heart of a peaceful forest, a minimalist cabin nestled among the trees stretches its floor. The exterior design is a sleek and minimalistic interior, with intricate stone walls and white walls. A panoramic window captures the tranquility of the river, while a lush forest surrounds the property. The glass is illuminated by a high-tech display, reflecting the colorful foliage of the nearby tree. The scene is bathed in a soft, golden light that adds to the serene and otherworldly atmosphere.