A whimsical seascape unfolds as white petals spin and curl, descending towards a depthless, shimmering abyss. A solitary woman, a forlorn goddess, stands on the edge of a broad river, her hand flashing red in quick, soft motions, scattering these pure wings. She rides the wind for a fleeting moment, her basket brimming with birds, only to witness their flight fail and fall upon the river's breast. The basket of birds, destined to drown, creates a poignant spectacle against the city's drawn shadow. The woman weeps, her hand a disembodied, carrion-clawed entity, ceaseless in its repetition, delivering death. Her eyes reflect the horror of living, a haunting testament to the transient beauty of life and the cruelty of its end.
A whimsical seascape unfolds as white petals spin and curl, descending towards a depthless, shimmering abyss. A solitary woman, a forlorn goddess, stands on the edge of a broad river, her hand flashing red in quick, soft motions, scattering these pure wings. She rides the wind for a fleeting moment, her basket brimming with birds, only to witness their flight fail and fall upon the river's breast. The basket of birds, destined to drown, creates a poignant spectacle against the city's drawn shadow. The woman weeps, her hand a disembodied, carrion-clawed entity, ceaseless in its repetition, delivering death. Her eyes reflect the horror of living, a haunting testament to the transient beauty of life and the cruelty of its end.