A captivating and enigmatic illustration featuring a green Luna moth with a long lower wing adorned with intricate moon-inspired details. The moth rests among a garden of white and yellow flowers, with the crescent moon peeking through the foliage. The background is a deep, velvety black, filled with mystical and mysterious tarot-inspired elements. Stars sparkle in the night sky, and multiple moons cast their silvery light upon the scene. The entire composition is framed by a triangular graphic, with a line extending from behind the Luna moth, creating a sense of depth and dimension., illustration, conceptual art
Ilustração-Fantasia Abstrata 12
Selva,Planeta Alienígena,Decadência Urbana
Foto de Corpo Inteiro,Panorama 360,Vista de Drone
A captivating and enigmatic illustration featuring a green Luna moth with a long lower wing adorned with intricate moon-inspired details. The moth rests among a garden of white and yellow flowers, with the crescent moon peeking through the foliage. The background is a deep, velvety black, filled with mystical and mysterious tarot-inspired elements. Stars sparkle in the night sky, and multiple moons cast their silvery light upon the scene. The entire composition is framed by a triangular graphic, with a line extending from behind the Luna moth, creating a sense of depth and dimension., illustration, conceptual art
Ilustração-Fantasia Abstrata 12
Selva,Planeta Alienígena,Decadência Urbana
Foto de Corpo Inteiro,Panorama 360,Vista de Drone