In a cosmic arena, a human being floats weightlessly through an inner gas chamber, its body a vibrant hue in shades of blue, green, or purple. This cosmic shield appears to pulse with a mystical energy, engulfing the human figure in its ethereal glow. The surrounding surface of the shield is unphased by the presence of a mysterious entity, allowing the human viewer to see through its radiant energy. The invisible sphere is a testament to a cosmic and human fusion, as if the spirit of reality itself would regain consciousness and become a true living thing.
the human is inside.
the ent is same size that human.
human isnside.
ent protect human.
near body.
full body.
full body.
like a buble.
you can see through.
can see through.
now , ent is same size that body of boy.
boy is inside.
In a cosmic arena, a human being floats weightlessly through an inner gas chamber, its body a vibrant hue in shades of blue, green, or purple. This cosmic shield appears to pulse with a mystical energy, engulfing the human figure in its ethereal glow. The surrounding surface of the shield is unphased by the presence of a mysterious entity, allowing the human viewer to see through its radiant energy. The invisible sphere is a testament to a cosmic and human fusion, as if the spirit of reality itself would regain consciousness and become a true living thing.
the human is inside.
the ent is same size that human.
human isnside.
ent protect human.
near body.
full body.
full body.
like a buble.
you can see through.
can see through.
now , ent is same size that body of boy.
boy is inside.