In the heart of San Salvador, a bustling metropolis is illuminated by the soft glow of streetlamps. The sky with a fiery red hue floats in the clouds, while the iconic "Ciud de San Salvador" is bathed in a soft orange light. A group of tourists can be seen huddled in the branches of the trees, their attire a mix of polo and tondo. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of church bells ringing in the distance.
In the heart of San Salvador, a bustling metropolis is illuminated by the soft glow of streetlamps. The sky with a fiery red hue floats in the clouds, while the iconic "Ciud de San Salvador" is bathed in a soft orange light. A group of tourists can be seen huddled in the branches of the trees, their attire a mix of polo and tondo. The air is filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of church bells ringing in the distance.